Mathematics from zero

For students, teachers and for EVERYONE

We seek to create the largest mathematical community in the world.

mathematics from zero

At Mathematics from zero we offer you everything you need to learn mathematics easily and effectively, regardless of your level. We focus on providing you with practical tools and clear knowledge so that you can master this discipline with confidence.

Content created by an expert

Our articles and lessons are designed by a teacher with experience in teaching mathematics, with references, videos and in two languages.

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Whether you’re studying for an exam, need to reinforce what you’ve seen in class, or simply want to learn on your own, our step-by-step exercises will help you learn easily.

Free resources

We also offer free downloadable materials specially designed to teach mathematics in a simple and effective way. In PDF and DOC formats.

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Recent Posts

  • Natural numbers (ℕ)
    Discover everything about natural numbers, their properties, applications and their importance in mathematics.
  • Multiples of 6
    Find out all about multiples of 6 and how to easily calculate them. Complete exercises and learn to identify multiples of six.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions that are not here you can write in the forum, contact me via E-Mail or facebook.

How do I get an account on

Accounts are requested through this form. Once your request has been reviewed, we will send you the data via email.

They are completely free and this request system is used to avoid spam.

How do I log in to
Through the menu in the community section and the de login. You can also do it from the forum.
How do I report a calculation, incorrect data or any error on the website?
You can do it from the Forum in the ‘Bug Report’ section, if you do not have an account you can send an E-Mail from the contact.
Why do you see so much advertising on the web?
Advertising is generated automatically by the Google Adsense platform. I will soon add a premium account system that will remove this feature for users with a special level.
How can I submit materials to add to math folders from scratch?
You must complete this form.